All of our dishes are medium sized, in our opinion sharing is caring. Therefore we recommend sharing multiple dishes within your party.
If you are allergic/sensitive to gluten or have celiaki we are very sorry, Ling Long might not be the best place for you to dine at. The same goes for those with allergies such as chili, garlic, soy, legumes and onion.
95 kr
sichuan pepper & gochugaro
55 kr
Milk Bread
chicken infused butter
190 kr
Tuna tataki
sweet-sour glaze, charred cucumber
175 kr
Wheat Noodles
chili crisp, black beans, cucumber, peanuts
185 kr
Beef Tartar
hand cut beef, kimchi mayo, spiced soy, pickled daikon, fried tapioca
Steamed & Crispy
165 kr
Cauliflower Tempura
dried tomato, korean bbq dressing
180 kr
Chicken Wings
fermented chili sauce, butter, pickled kohlrabi
175 kr
Bang Bang
pulled chicken or oomph, cucumber, sesam dressing, peanuts
180 kr
Mushroom Dumpling
forest mushrooms, cabbage, tofu, coconut foam
180 kr
Yuzu Pork Sausage
yellow pea purée, karashi, cabbage
185 kr
Red Braised Pork Ribs
aromatic soy, five spice
195 kr
Rainbow Trout
kombi cured, miso butter sauce, Swedish tomatoes
175 kr
Thousand Years Tofu
crispy tofu, pak choi, leek, sweet and spicy sauce
165 kr
Stir Fry
zucchini, cabbage, onion, bean sprouts, chili crisp
75 kr
Miso Corn
corn, miso, brown butter
85 kr
Korean Fried Potatoes
gochujang glaze, kimchi emulsion
65 kr
Cabbage Salad
with lime dressing
50 kr
Steamed Rice
45 kr
Ice Cream
vanilla ice cream with miso caramel sauce
45 kr
tonight's flavor
95 kr
Swedish Strawberries
grilled coconut cream, mint, timut pepper
95 kr
Fried Milk Bread
miso cream, raspberries, thai basil
- Phone 08 54 50 39 53
- Email info@ling-long.se
- Address Riddargatan 6 114 35 Stockholm